Speaking Ministry
Brian’s primary gifting is expository preaching. He loves it when the Holy Spirit illuminates Jesus in whatever biblical text he’s studying. For Brian, the primary task of biblical preaching is to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though good advice abounds, it’s the good news that Brian seeks to find and declare. “Where’s the gospel in this text?”
One of Brian’s preaching passions is to reveal Christ in the Old Testament through character studies, revealing how every narrative in the scripture serves the grand narrative of the conquest of the Seed of the Woman over the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Instead of using the bible as a treasure chest of devotional nuggets, Brian’s homiletical goal is to reveal how any given text fits within the great Story of God redeeming all things through Christ, and then discerning where our lives fit within that Story.
For Brian, the difference between teaching and preaching is that preaching carries a sense of pathos that requires a decision from the listeners, or what Paul called the “obedience of faith.” This was permanently driven into Brian’s psyche after meeting the great Canadian evangelist, Barry Moore. One Sunday after Barry had finished preaching at First Alliance Church in Calgary, he approached the 16-yr. old Brian asking if it was true that he wanted to become a preacher. With nervousness and enthusiasm, Brian responded, “yes, sir, I do!”. With that, Barry took his index finger, pressed it firmly into Brian’s chest while commanding, “then PREACH! And preach with a VERDICT!”
Preaching Background
Brian has been an ordained minister with the CMA for 45 years, 17 of those as Sr. Pastor of North Shore Alliance and 12 years as Sr. Pastor at Pacific Community Church. He’s taught preaching courses at Ambrose Seminary as well as numerous seminars and workshops. He was a plenary speaker and preaching instructor for the Billy Graham School of Evangelism for a number of years. Brian’s unique areas of strength are Christ-centered exposition, Old Testament narrative, and preaching that climaxes with the Lord’s Supper. The Emmaus encounter in Luke 24 has shaped Brian’s homiletic strategy and prayer: “Lord Jesus, may our hearts burn within us as you are explained from the Law, Psalms and Prophets; and then may our eyes be opened in the breaking of the bread.”
If you are interested in booking Brian as a speaker,
please contact him.