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What is Homiletical Coaching?

Each coaching session involves Brian watching a sermon (45 minutes), formatting notations into a printed document (90-120 minutes) and sharing the results with the pastor (60-90 minute conversation).  The goal of each session is to identify the preacher’s unique strengths and gifting, while also discussing potential blind spots and areas that require work. A side benefit of coaching is the joy of sharing the unique burden of regular preaching with another preacher in a safe, relaxed, relational environment.

Common topics that often surface in a session…

  • Preaching the Text within its Context

  • Developing and Structuring a Sermon:
      Exegesis – Expositional idea – Homiletical idea – Crafting a Manuscript 

  • Christocentric Preaching from all of Scripture

  • The Danger of Moralism:  Good News vs. Good Advice

  • Preaching the Text within the Grand Narrative of Scripture

  • The Preacher’s Hats:  Theologian, Shepherd, Evangelist, Teacher, Prophet

  • Preaching with a Verdict (the crucial conclusion to every sermon)

  • Logos, Pathos, Ethos (preaching a text with emotional and moral integrity)

  • Preaching out of the Uniqueness of Your Whole Personality

  • Transitioning from the Pulpit to the Table

  • Preaching as a Liturgical Act of Worship

  • Listening to the Holy Spirit

Brian's Preaching Bio

Brian has been an ordained minister with the CMA for 45 years, 17 of those as Sr. Pastor of North Shore Alliance and 12 years as Sr. Pastor at Pacific Community Church.  He’s taught preaching courses at Ambrose Seminary as well as numerous seminars and workshops.  He was a plenary speaker and preaching instructor for the Billy Graham School of Evangelism for a number of years.  Brian’s unique areas of strength are Christ-centered exposition, Old Testament narrative, and preaching that climaxes with the Lord’s Supper.  The Emmaus encounter in Luke 24 has shaped Brian’s homiletic strategy and prayer: “Lord Jesus, may our hearts burn within us as you are explained from the Law, Psalms and Prophets; and then may our eyes be opened in the breaking of the bread.”  


$300 per coaching session.  A $150 scholarship is offered to Alliance pastors through the Western Canadian District)



If you are interested in booking Brian as a preaching coach,
please contact him. 

© 2020 by Charlie Buhler.

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